Special SCOForum 94 Distribution

SCO is pioneering the trend in graphical scripting languages with its Motif-based technology called "SCO Visual Tcl." Because this technology is based on the powerful public domain scripting language called "Tcl," the power of this new GUI-building environment goes way beyond simple "Motif-wrapper" technologies.

SCO is implementing its next generation systems management environment, leveraging exclusively on Visual Tcl for both its Motif and Character look & feel. And thanks to a simple, yet versatile scripting interface, Visual Tcl will also make Motif available to system administrators as well as graphical tool developers.

New Visual Tcl Man Pages

Select vtcl(TCL) man page to view the Motif-specific Visual Tcl command set, as well as information describing the general architecture of the SCO Visual Tcl environment.

At this point in the development cycle, the man pages for the base Tcl command set are not complete. However, Tcl does provide a built-in on-line help mechanism. To use this help mechanism until there is a full man page set, do the following...

At your Unix shell prompt, type
vtcl> help tcl

This will show you the categories of on-line help, such as variables, strings and processes. For example, to view help on file input/output commands, type:
vtcl> help tcl/files

Getting Started

cd /usr/skunk/lib/vtcl/examples
vtcl Browse.tcl

Visual Tcl NewsGroup Coming!

SCO Visual Tcl discussions take place on a newsgroup called biz.sco.wserver. SCO will support your questions and issues (as best we can) on this newsgroup. We anticipate that this group will be renamed biz.sco.vtcl.

Caveats/Things you should know