+++ Options Screen Help +++

        The Options Screen allows you to set and
        modify many of Lynx's features. The following
        options may be set.

     Editor             -  If non-empty it defines the editor to spawn
                           when editing a local file or sending mail.
			   Any valid text editor may be entered here.

     DISPLAY variable   -  If non-empty it specifies your X terminal
                           display address.

     Bookmark file      -  If non-empty it specifies the name of your
                           'Bookmark file'.  If the filename is not
                           absolute, then the path begins from your
		           home directory.

     Personal Mail      -  You may set your mail address here so that
     Address               when mailing messages to other people or
                           mailing files to yourself, your email address
                           can be automatically filled in.  You email
                           address will also be sent to HTTP servers in
                           a from: field.

     Searching type     -  If set to 'case sensitive', user searches
                           invoked by the '/' command will be case 
                           sensitive substring searches.  The
                           default is 'Case Insensitive' substring

     Display Character  -  This option allows you to set up the default
     set                   character set for your specific terminal.
                           The character set provides a mapping of 8-bit
                           ISO Latin character entities and/or Asian (CJK)
                           characters into viewable characters and should
                           be set in relation to your terminal's character
                           set if you will be viewing such characters with
                           Lynx.  You must have the selected character set
                           installed on your terminal.

     Raw 8-bit or CJK   -  Toggles whether 8-bit characters are assumed to
     mode                  correspond with the selected character set and
                           therefore are processed without translation via
                           the ISO Latin 1 conversion tables.  Should be
	                   ON by default when the selected character set is
                           ISO Latin 1, or is one of the Asian (CJK) sets
                           and the 8-bit characters are Kanji multibyes.
                           Should be OFF for the other character sets, but
                           can be turned ON when there's a match, e.g., the
                           document's charset is ISO-8859-2 and ISO Latin 2
                           has been selected.  Should be OFF when an Asian
                           (CJK) set is selected but the document is
                           ISO-8850-1.  The setting also can be toggled via
                           the RAW_TOGGLE command, normally mapped to '@',
                           and at startup via the -raw switch.

     Preferred Document -  The language you prefer if multi-language files are
     Language              available from servers.  Use MIME abbreviations,
                           e.g., en for English, fr for French, etc.  Can be
                           a comma-separated list in descending order of
     Preferred Document -  The character set you prefer if sets in addition
     Charset               to ISO-8859-1 and US-ASCII are available from
                           servers.  Use MIME notation (e.g., ISO-8859-2)
                           and do not include ISO-8859-1 or US-ASCII, since
                           those values are always assumed by default.  Can
                           be a comma-separated list in descending order of
     VI keys           -   If set to 'ON' then the lowercase h,j,k, and l,
                           keys will be mapped to left, down, up, right,

     Emacs keys        -   If set to 'ON' then the CTRL-P, CTRL-N, CTRL-F, 
                           CTRL-B, keys will be mapped to up, down, right, 
                           and left, respectively.

     Keypad mode  -        This option gives the choice between navigating 
                           with the keypad (as arrows; see Lynx Navigation)
                           and having every link numbered (numbered links)
			   so that the links may be selected by numbers
			   instead of moving to them with the arrow keys.

     Line edit style   -   This option allows you to set alternate key
                           bindings for the built-in line editor, if your
                           system administrator has installed alternates.
                           Otherwise, Lynx uses the Default Binding.

     List directory    -   Applies to Directory Editing.  Files and
     style                 directories can be presented in the following
                            Mixed style
                              Files and directories are listed together in
                              alphabetical order.
                            Directories first
                              Files and directories are separated into two
                              alphabetical lists.  Directories are listed
                            Files first
                              Files and directories are separated into two
                              alphabetical lists.  Files are listed first.

     Show dot files    -   If display/creation of hidden (dot)
                           files/directories is enabled, you can turn
                           the feature on or off via this setting.

     User Mode         -   Beginner 
                              Shows two extra lines of help at the bottom 
                              of the screen
                           Intermediate (normal mode) 
                              The "normal" statusline messages appear. 
                              The URL is shown on the statusline. 

      User Agent        -  The header string which Lynx sends to servers
                           to indicate the User-Agent. It cannot be changed.
                           Users often request ability to change it so that
                           they can indicate other agents to servers which
                           return different documents based on the User-Agent.
                           Netscape Communications Corp. has indicated that it
                           considers false transmissions of "Mozilla" as the
                           User-Agent to be a copyright infringement, which
                           will be prosecuted.

     Local execution   -   If set to 'ON', Lynx will locally execute
     links                 commands contained inside of links.  This
                           can be HIGHLY DANGEROUS so it is recommended
                           that they remain 'ALWAYS OFF' unless
                           otherwise set by your system administrator.
                           This option may not be available on most
                           versions of Lynx.