Thanks to All the Contributors
I always try to thank everybody for their contributions to SCO Skunkware
and i always manage to leave some folks out. Please pre-forgive me for
any omissions or errors. SCO Skunkware is a collaborative anarchistic
group effort. The "bottom-up" approach seems to work pretty well. Perhaps
some large corporations or governments might want to study and adopt our
(lack of) process {:>
Anyway, the major SCO contributors to SCO Skunkware 96 include but are not
limited to :
Michael J. Hopkirk
- SCO ports of Tcl, TclX, Tk
Shawn McMurdo
- SCO ports of Xanim, Gsm, Vat, Vrweb
Michael Shallop
- Transfer of UnixWare FreeBird Archive
Nathan Peterson
- Network/Security Tools
Bela Lubkin
- Xpm 3.4h, Lynx 2.5FM
John Dubois
- All the scripts in src/Tools/scripts as well as
gawk SatTrack getch segfont sliplogin slow stat timer utty whoami
scrnopt clca makepass rtctime fwatch cwtmp ihex-bin ird and lca.
Kamal Mostafa
- NCSA Mosaic 2.7b4
Michael C. Thornburgh
- Thought up the name "Skunkware 96"
Kurt Hutchinson
- Pine and Imap for both SCO OpenServer and SCO UnixWare
Josh Rapps
- Debug malloc for SCO UnixWare
Billy Rainbow
- Technical hardware support & emergency disk rescue
Brett Matesen
- Skunk Art Production Team
Julie Matesen
- Skunk Artist
Kathy Kindred Worrell
- Project Management and Coordination
Dion L. Johnson II
- CD-ROM Burning, Executive Negotiations, Funding, TLS's
Richard Treadway
- Funding & Resource Allocation
Jodi King
- Essential & Invaluable Support
Ronald Joe Record
- Perl 5.003, Xdir 2.0, Fvwm95, Xhtml, MPEG utils, Xarchie, Xdaliclock,
Xfig, Xftp, Xmcd, Xmorph, Xpdf, Xv, Elvis, Ghostview, Ghostscript, Gzip,
Netpbm, IRC stuff, Zircon, Wu-ftpd, Background examples,
SCO Custom installation packaging, CD-ROM cutting,
Skunkware 96 HTML documents and some other stuff i forgot.
Outside of SCO we would also like to extend our thanks to the many many
authors of the various software packages contained herein. These freeware
and shareware packages are really what this whole thing's about. I can't
list all of the authors here, but each package contains a README and/or
ReadMe.html or somesuch document that describes the software, who wrote it,
how to obtain it, redistribution rights and such. The bulk of our thanks
and acknowledgement should go to these excellent programmers who have chosen
to freely contribute to the enrichment of our computing environment.
Main Skunkware 96 Page ||
Productivity Tools ||
Network/Security Tools ||
Release Notes ||
Tcl/Tk Packages ||
TLS ||
SCO UnixWare ||
X11 Clients